Welcome to The Gigabyte Community Forum.
This forum is going to focus on Gigabyte hardware and software, but feel free to ask for help with any computer related issues. The worst thing that can happen is that no one knows the answer. Remember, there are no stupid questions. Everyone has different levels of experience.
1 - Anything deemed to be harassment, racist, sexist, or sexually explicit on implicit or political will be deleted and will result in a ban.
2 - Please keep content PG / Safe for work. No cursing. First offense will be warned, repeat offenses could result in a ban. Anything deemed to be in violation of this rule may be edited or deleted. This includes usernames. Inappropriate user names will be banned. This will be left to moderator discretion.
3 - No self advertising or spamming links. If you have your own website, forum or youtube you are welcome to put links to them in your signature or profile. If we check the link and it is deemed inappropriate it will be removed. Spamming links to them or direct advertisements will be deleted and repeat offenses will be considered bannable.
4 - Be kind to other members staff.
5 - No illegal activity. This includes any predatory acts, or talk of piracy, and torrents. This will result in an immediate ban.
6 - No Trolling.
7 - Please don't post any personally identifiable information. If we see it we will delete it. This includes name, address, phone numbers etc.
8 - Please stay on topic. We have an off topic board if you want to talk about something off topic.
This is not a fully comprehensive list of rules. The list may be changed, at any time. The choice to remove a link, delete a post, or ban a member is always left to moderator discretion. If you feel like your post or ban is unwarranted you may message the Admin and request a review.
We are in no way connected to, or operated by Gigabyte. This is a completely community driven and operated forum.
This forum is going to focus on Gigabyte hardware and software, but feel free to ask for help with any computer related issues. The worst thing that can happen is that no one knows the answer. Remember, there are no stupid questions. Everyone has different levels of experience.
1 - Anything deemed to be harassment, racist, sexist, or sexually explicit on implicit or political will be deleted and will result in a ban.
2 - Please keep content PG / Safe for work. No cursing. First offense will be warned, repeat offenses could result in a ban. Anything deemed to be in violation of this rule may be edited or deleted. This includes usernames. Inappropriate user names will be banned. This will be left to moderator discretion.
3 - No self advertising or spamming links. If you have your own website, forum or youtube you are welcome to put links to them in your signature or profile. If we check the link and it is deemed inappropriate it will be removed. Spamming links to them or direct advertisements will be deleted and repeat offenses will be considered bannable.
4 - Be kind to other members staff.
5 - No illegal activity. This includes any predatory acts, or talk of piracy, and torrents. This will result in an immediate ban.
6 - No Trolling.
7 - Please don't post any personally identifiable information. If we see it we will delete it. This includes name, address, phone numbers etc.
8 - Please stay on topic. We have an off topic board if you want to talk about something off topic.
This is not a fully comprehensive list of rules. The list may be changed, at any time. The choice to remove a link, delete a post, or ban a member is always left to moderator discretion. If you feel like your post or ban is unwarranted you may message the Admin and request a review.
We are in no way connected to, or operated by Gigabyte. This is a completely community driven and operated forum.